Jean Jacques Pérennès, « Jacques Jomier (1914-2018), Dialog über das Kennen und Verstehen der muslimischen Kultur vor Ort », Wegbereiter des Interreligiösen Dialogs, Band III (Petrus Bsteh, Brigitte Procksch ed.), Wien, LIT Verlag, 2020, pages 163‒172.
Tag Archives: Pérennès
A life poured out
Jean Jacques Pérennès, A life poured out: Pierre Claverie of Algeria, Orbis Books, Maryknoll (NY), 2007, 300 pages.
The killing of Dominican Pierre Claverie, the bishop of Oran, and his young Muslim assistant, on August 1, 1996, was both a symbol and the epitome of the mayhem that had gripped Algeria for several years. For Claverie, it was the culmination of a remarkable and courageous journey of faith. Nothing in his origins as a French pied-noir, born in Algeria in 1938, would have indicated his eventual emergence as a leading figure in his country’s search for a peaceful future. In laying down his life for the cause of reconciliation and peace among religions, he belongs in the company of Archbishop Romero, Martin Luther King, and other great witnesses of our time.
Jean Jacques Pérennès, O.P.
Jean Jacques Pérennès is a French Dominican brother, he lives in Jerusalem. After studying economics, he lived ten years in Algeria and fifteen years in Egypt where he was general secretary and then director of IDEO.
Since 2015, he has been director of the French Biblical and Archeological School in Jerusalem.
His main research interests are interreligious dialogue, political developments in the Arab world and the situation of Eastern Christians.